Tenancy Information

Please find following some general information that will hopefully assist with settling into your new home, however at anytime should you require assistance or need to discuss something please contact us by phone or email.

Rental Payments

Rent is normally paid monthly in advance unless otherwise agreed. All rental payments should be made on or before the due date and done by using the DEFT BPay details provided to you at the commencement of your tenancy.

Should however at any time during your tenancy you are finding it difficult to meet your rental obligations please contact your Property Manager for a confidential discussion as soon as possible.

Periodic Inspections

As part of our services it is necessary to routinely inspect your property. These inspections will be carried out generally every six months or so and the Landlord(s) may wish to be in attenadence. Our office will always give you as much notice as possible and you may choose to be present, or not, whichever you would prefer.


Whilst it is normal practice that a duplicate set of keys will held in our office, we strongly recommend that you have an additional set cut and they are given to someone you trust in case you lock yourself out of the property. If you do lock yourself out or lose your keys and a locksmith is called you may be liable for this cost.

Part of a Landlords obligations to you is that they must provide locks to secure all external doors and windows of the rented premises at the commencement of the tenancy.

In the advent that you should wish to change any external door or window locks during the tenancy a copy must be given to the Managing Agent as soon as possible and prior permission must be sort from the Landlord.

Condition Reports

On or before move in day you will be given a condition report which will show you the property’s general condition before you occupy it. All the signatories on to the lease must sign the condition report once you have gone through it and made any alterations and/or additions you feel are required.

The report must be returned to the agency within three business days of moving in. You should retain one copy for yourselves and return one copy to the agency.

The condition report can be used as evidence if there is a dispute about who should pay for cleaning, damage, or replacement of missing items, particularly at the end of the tenancy. Therefore it is vital to take the time to check it properly.

Utility Connections/Disconnections

It is your responsibility to connect/and disconnect the utilities to the property, however should you chose to use the services of Your Porter we can organise this on your behalf. Your Porter is a free service that connects all your utilities saving you the time and effort of doing it yourself.

Should you however chose to arrange yourself, please find following some companies that may assist:

Telstra 1800 670 017

South East Water 13 18 51

AGL 13 12 45

Origin Energy 1800 331 337

Tru Energy 13 631 02


We strongly recommend that you insure your personal possessions against loss, damage and theft. The Landlord does not have any obligations to insure your personal items, and building insurance does not cover your effects.

Repairs and Maintenance

All repairs unless deemed as “URGENT” must be submitted in writing. Should your repair be deemed as urgent please telephone your Property Manager straight away.

Should the repair be of a Non-Urgent nature, maintenance request forms can be downloaded through this website. Please refer to the appropriate section and your request will be actioned as soon as possible.

The items that constitute an “URGENT” repairs are as follows:

  • A burst hot water service.
  • A blocked or broken lavatory system.
  • A serious roof leak.
  • A gas leak.
  • A dangerous electrical fault.
  • Flooding or serious flood damage.
  • Serious storm or fire damage.
  • A failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply.
  • Any fault or damage that makes the rented premises unsafe of insecure.
  • Any appliance, fitting or fixture which is not working properly and causes a substantial amount of water to be wasted.
  • A serious fault in a lift or staircase in the rented premises.

Garden Maintenance

Unless otherwise stated in your lease agreement, it is a Tenants responsibility to maintain and water the garden & lawn areas at the property. This also includes the disposal of any garden and lawn wastes.

Smoke Detectors & Light Globes

It is a Tenants responsibility to change light bulbs and smoke alarm batteries during the tenancy. If however the changing of the batteries/bulbs does not resolve the issues please contact your Property Manager as soon as possible.